Aeschlimann, Bettina Leonore (2024) Artificial Intelligence and Immunohistochemical Analysis of the BRAF V595E Mutation in Canine Lower Urinary Tract and Prostate Tumors thesis.
Becker, Richard Alexander (2024) An anatomical study of the subarachnoid space surrounding the trigeminal ganglion in horses — in preparation for a controlled glycerol rhizotomy in equids thesis.
Eggimann, Hannah (2024) Infectious and non-infectious causes for pregnancy loss in South American camelids – A review thesis.
Montalcini, Camille Marie (2024) Examining spatial personalities of commercial laying hens and behavioural responses to keel bone fractures and management practices thesis.
Rietmann, Stefan Jonas (2024) Intragenic duplication disrupting the reading frame of MFSD8 in Small Swiss Hounds with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis thesis.