BORIS Theses

BORIS Theses
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Number of items: 68.

Ackermann, Martin (2020) Göttliche Mutter der unsterblichen Glückseligkeit. Eine netzwerkanalytische Studie zu Charismatisierungsprozessen um Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī thesis.

Aepli, Manuel (2020) Essays in Applied Microeconomics with a Focus on Vocational Education and Training thesis.

Aerni, Roland (2020) Was genau schafft Motivation im Unterricht Technisches Gestalten? Interesse und Tätigkeitsanreize im Technischen Gestalten thesis.

Albrecht, Julia (2020) Participation of people experiencing disabilities in organized sports thesis.

Arens, Alexander Urs (2020) Federal Reform and Intergovernmental Relations in Switzerland. An Analysis of Intercantonal Agreements and Parliamentary Scrutiny in the Wake of the NFA thesis.

Arnold, Tobias (2020) Shifting vertical power relations. Four empirical studies on the fiscal effects of the Swiss federal reform 2008 and the Belgian federalisation 1993 thesis.

Badrutt, Gaudenz (2020) Ferrari hören. Autoethnographische Höranalysen zu "Les Archives Sauvées des Eaux" und "Les Arythmiques" von Luc Ferrari thesis.

Balsiger, Marcel (2020) Resummation of non-global logarithms thesis.

Bareuther, Marie-Christin Ruth Dorothea (2020) Transparenz in der internationalen Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit: Zur Öffentlichkeit von Verfahren und Entscheidungen des Court of Arbitration for Sport thesis.

Bernet, Leonie (2020) Detecting trends of stratospheric ozone and tropospheric water vapour at mid-latitudes using measurements from multiple techniques thesis.

Bik, Michel Arthur (2020) Strength and Noetherianity for infinite Tensors thesis.

Burkhard, Daniel (2020) Besseren Nähr- und Siedlungsraum schaffen : die Schweizer Innenkolonisation im Kontext der Ernährungskrise 1917/1918 thesis.

Bärtsch, Manuel (2020) Klavierspiel um 1905 im Spiegel des Welte-Mignon-Systems thesis.

Büchler, Simon Camilo (2020) How do economic forces affect the real estate market thesis.

Cappelli, Seraina Lisa (2020) Causes and consequences of fungal pathogen infection in grasslands thesis.

Chiang, Hsin (2020) Attitudes of Medical Students Towards Interprofessional Education: A mixed methods study thesis.

Colacito, Almudena (2020) Order, algebra, and structure: lattice-ordered groups and beyond thesis.

Counotte, Michel Jacques (2020) Zika virus: causality, open science and risk of emerging infectious diseases thesis.

De Masi, Anna Assunta (2020) Italiano e dialetto fra percezione e produzione nei bambini. Il bilinguismo fallito. Una ricerca in Salento thesis.

Ernst, Michelle (2020) A quantum crystallographic approach to study properties of molecules in crystals thesis.

Fakhro, Mohamad (2020) Strategies for reconstructing and restructuring of museums in post-war places (National Museum of Aleppo as a Model) thesis.

Fang, Ling (2020) Radiocarbon analysis of dissolved organic carbon from ice cores thesis.

Friedl, Nadine (2020) Advances in psychotherapy research and precision mental health: Answering the “What works for whom” question for patients with depression thesis.

Fuchs, Alexander Fabian (2020) Distress and resilience of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic (DARVID): study protocol for a mixed-methods research project thesis.

Fässler, Lukas (2020) Psychische Adaptation nach medizinischer Notfallaufnahme. Die Rolle personaler und sozialer Ressourcen sowie krankheitsbezogener Faktoren thesis.

Gerónimo Cid, Eric Dan (2020) ‘Diagnosis of the diagnosis’: Spheres of action in pedagogical diagnosis with reference to the pedagogical translation of a disciplinary collaboration between Medicine, Psychology and Educational Science thesis.

Gnägi, Mario (2020) Models and Matheuristics for Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems thesis.

Greenall, Lorna Elizabeth (2020) An inquiry into the typical and atypical language development of young transnational multilingual children in an international school thesis.

Grüning, Miriam (2020) Kulturdimension Kooperation in schulpraktischen Studien thesis.

Gut, Vanessa (2020) Potentiale und Herausforderungen des personorientierten Ansatzes zur Erklärung des individuellen Sportverhaltens von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen thesis.

HosseiniArani, Seyed Alireza (2020) BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA) Performance Evaluation: From Laboratory Tests to Simulations of Flight Observations thesis.

Ishikawa, Yoshimichi (2020) International trade in food after a nuclear accident thesis.

Jackson, Gregory Scott (2020) Rate observables for cosmology and heavy ion collision experiments thesis.

Jaroski, Vanessa (2020) The affective regimes of digital discourse: A multimodal, multilingual study of language, media and gender ideologies thesis.

Kleemiss, Florian (2020) Development of Quantum-Crystallographic Methods for Chemical and Biochemical Applications thesis.

Leimer, Pascal (2020) A computational model for continual learning and synaptic consolidation thesis.

Lucentini, Valeria (2020) “Il paese del sole, il paese della musica” - L’immagine dell’Italia nella letteratura di viaggio del Settecento thesis.

Lötscher, Jie (2020) Bilingualer Erstspracherwerb und Sprachkompetenz der Kinder in Schweizer-chinesischen Familien : Untersuchung in einem dialektalen Umfeld der Deutschschweiz thesis.

Malgwi, Mark Bawa (2020) Development of a physical vulnerability model for floods in data-scarce regions: a case study of Nigeria thesis.

Marinucci, Sarah (2020) Disabled Theater: die Folgen einer Zusammenarbeit thesis.

Mosimann, Stefanie Lea (2020) Angiotensinergic Neurons in the Neonatal Rat Heart and in Atrial Cell Culture thesis.

Napoli, Alberto (2020) Cosmopolitan provincialities : music and exposition culture in liberal Italy thesis.

Oefner, Andreas (2020) Die auserwählten Völker : Politik und Religion in Schweizer Predigten 1830-1860 thesis.

Oleschak, Robert (2020) On the Contribution of Payments and Clearing to Financial Inclusion and Stability: Three Essays thesis.

Papadopoulou, Styliani (2020) Chipped stone industries from Western Macedonia, Greece. The case of the Neolithic lakeside settlement Anarghiri IXb thesis.

Pichon, Noémie (2020) Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen on ecosystem functioning thesis.

Pirhulyieva, Jakhan (2020) Space in polar exploration : ships and ice realms in Anglo-American fiction, 1818-1851 thesis.

Pregler, Anja (2020) The fate of geogenic uranium in the environment: an example from the Swiss Plateau thesis.

Reber, Ueli (2020) World Wide Web? A closer look at the transnational online public discourse on climate change thesis.

Ruchti, Lars (2020) Die Regulierung von Kryptowährung als verfassungsrechtliches Problem thesis.

Sacher, Kevin Yves (2020) Die (Un-)Behandelbarkeit psychisch schwer gestörter Straftäter: Die Abgrenzung zwischen stationärer Behandlung gemäss Art. 59 StGB und der Verwahrung gemäss Art. 64 Abs. 1 lit. b StGB thesis.

Sander, Fabian (2020) Die höhere Berufsbildung in der Schweiz. Strukturelle Determinanten des Übertritts und langfristige Erträge thesis.

Schicho, Philipp Maximilian (2020) Multi-loop investigations of strong interactions at high temperatures thesis.

Schürch, Dorothea (2020) Audioscoring & leere Stimmen: praxisorientierte Stimmforschung zu lettristischen und ultra-lettristischen Stimmexperimenten thesis.

Sieghartsleitner, Roland (2020) Talentforschung im Fussball zwischen holistisch-interaktionistischer Theorie und reduktionistischer Empirie thesis.

Steffen, Daniel (2020) Essays in Applied Causal Analysis : Development, Real Estate, and International Economics thesis.

Umar, Hafidah (2020) An Experimental Investigation of Modality Effect: Evidence from Eye-Tracking Data thesis.

Urman, Aleksandra (2020) Political polarisation on social media in different national contexts thesis.

Vestner, Manuel Luca (2020) Evaluation of the clinical assessment of peripheral perfusion by capillary refill time and peripheral perfusion index thesis.

Villiger, Jessica (2020) Exploring internal corporate venture teams thesis.

Weber, Stefan (2020) Perception and Emotion in Virtual Reality: The Role of the Body and the Contribution of Presence thesis.

Weijers, Mariëtte Maria Theodora Wilhelmina (2020) Exploring the Preferences for Dental Care of Care-Dependent Elderly thesis.

Wipf, Christian (2020) Money Creation by Banks, Regulation and Optimal long-run Inflation Targets thesis.

Wittwer, Stefan (2020) Economic development beyond the metropolis : local autonomy and interdependencies in the polycentric environment of Swiss small and medium-sized towns thesis.

Wyrsch, Patrice Cirill (2020) Neurosensitivity in Business: Vantage Sensitivity as a Competitive Advantage? thesis.

Wüthrich, Selina (2020) Fagin, "an infernal, rich, plundering, thundering, old Jew" : Antisemitismus in den deutschsprachigen Übersetzungen, Adaptionen und Transformationen von Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist thesis.

Zaugg, Jonas (2020) SLC transporter-mediated transfer of iron and amino acids across the placenta thesis.

Zimmermann, Barbara Andrea (2020) Geschlechterunterschiede auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: Der Einfluss von gesellschaftlichen Strukturen und stereotypen Rollenvorstellungen thesis.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:25:03 2025 CET.