BORIS Theses

BORIS Theses
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Number of items: 120.


Ammann, Clemens Luis (2021) Consumer Brand Defense-Management thesis.

André-Joyaux, Emy (2021) Alkylboronic Esters as Radical Precursors: Applications to Deboronative Radical Chain Reactions thesis.

Angelone, Domenico (2021) Soziale Ungleichheiten im Verlauf der obligatorischen Schulzeit: Beiträge zu herkunftsbedingten Disparitäten der Kompetenzentwicklung und Bildungsbeteiligung thesis.


Barras, Arnaud Gian (2021) Assessing the response of mountain birds to rapid environmental change: conservation ecology of the Alpine Ring Ouzel (Turdus torquatus alpestris) thesis.

Barras, Hélène Christine Louise (2021) On hail in Switzerland – crowdsourcing, nowcasting and multi-day hail clusters thesis.

Berner, Roman Matthias (2021) ArgonCube – A Novel Concept for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers thesis.

Bigler, Marius Reto (2021) Intracoronary electrocardiogram as a direct measure of myocardial ischemia thesis.

Binaghi, Marta (2021) Understanding genetic and phenotypic diversity in the speciation of Petunia : evolution of quantitative and qualitative traits thesis.

Brunner, Monique (2021) Aneignung einer professionellen Identität in der Schulsozialarbeit: Konstruktion professioneller Identität von Schulsozialarbeitenden in der interprofessionellen Kooperation aus einer Geschlechterperspektive thesis.

Burger, Friedrich Anton (2021) Modeling extreme events in ocean acidity and compound extreme events using a comprehensive Earth system model thesis.

Bärtschi, Michael (2021) ATRo and Some Related Theories thesis.

Bürgin, Reto (2021) Digitalization in the mountains : digital transformations and digital multilocality in Swiss mountain areas thesis.

Bürki, Nutcha (2021) Functionalization of Supramolecular Assemblies of Polyaromatic Oligophosphates and Energy Transfer in DNA-assembled Oligochromophores thesis.


Capecchi, Alice (2021) Cheminformatics Tools to Explore the Chemical Space of Peptides and Natural Products thesis.

Ceschi, Nadia Jlenia (2021) Essays in microeconomics: opportunities of competitive screening and shortcomings of labor market signaling thesis.

Chanel, Estelle Ghislaine Amélie (2021) The BeamEDM experiment and the measurement of the neutron incoherent scattering length of 199Hg thesis.

Chen, Yi (2021) Impact of stacked Bt maize on aquatic non-target arthropods thesis.

Chen, Yifan (2021) Methods for precision studies of neutrino interactions thesis.

Chuencharoen, Siwat (2021) Rebranding Thai Music: The Use of Western Music to Recreate a New National Identity in Thai Music After the Siamese Revolution in 1932 thesis.


De Vito, Giorgio (2021) Flexibility properties and homology of Gromov-Vaserstein fibres thesis.

Debrunner, Gabriela (2021) The business of densification : coping with social challenges under scarce land use conditions in Swiss cities thesis.

Dellsperger, Sandra Martina (2021) Oral antibiotics in skin and soft tissue infections: An algorithm-based prospective multicentre pilot trial thesis.

Derszniak-Noirjean, Martyna (2021) References to nature: a meta-ethical approach to understanding biological facts in valuing and normativity thesis.

Desiatkina, Oksana (2021) Ruthenium complexes for the treatment of protozoan diseases of medical and veterinary importance thesis.

Dohner, Eliane (2021) Syndrome de fuite capillaire idiopathique (Maladie de Clarkson): Clinique et évolution au travers de deux cas avec revue de la littérature thesis.

Dreier, Christian (2021) Aufklärung und Einwilligung : Erstellung einer Lehrvideoserie zur Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen in der Patientenaufklärung und Risikokommunikation im Rahmen der partizipativen Entscheidungsfindung thesis.

Dubravac, Mirela (2021) Business as Unusual: Conflict and Error Processing in Children and Adults thesis.


Erzina, Dina (2021) Immunomodulatory Peptide Dendrimers Inspired from Glatiramer Acetate thesis.

Esteves Pereira, Michael (2021) Immunoadsorption for the treatment of acquired hemophilia: new observational data, systematic review and meta-analysis thesis.


Feller, Anna Fiona (2021) On the genetic architecture of an adaptive radiation thesis.

Fernández Vilanova, Lucas Raul (2021) Positive Hopf plumbed links with maximal signature thesis.

Feurer, Mélanie (2021) Ecosystem services for communities in forest frontiers: An assessment of nature’s benefits to local stakeholders under different land use and tenure systems in a tropical frontier landscape in Myanmar thesis.

Fisher, Chloe Elizabeth (2021) Characterising Exoplanet Atmospheres using Traditional Methods and Supervised Machine Learning thesis.

Friedli, Hans Peter (2021) Chöre in den Opern von Christoph Willibald Gluck: Analyse einer repräsentativen Auswahl thesis.

Föhn, Martina (2021) NIM: The Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer to Explore the Galilean Ice Worlds thesis.


Gegg, Lukas (2021) The Mid-Pleistocene landscape history of the Lower Aare Valley with emphasis on subglacial overdeepening thesis.

Gerhát, Borbála Mercédesz (2021) Pseudo numerical ranges, Schur complement dominant operator matrices, Schrödinger operators with accretive potentials in weighted spaces and applications to damped wave equations thesis.

Glaus, Anik (2021) Preferences for comprehensive policy mixes. Adaptation to climate change in Swiss flood risk management thesis.

Glauser, Andreas (2021) Factors influencing the quality of bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration in Switzerland thesis.

Gnägi, Lars (2021) Organic Peroxides in Radical Chemistry and Stereochemical Study of the Intramolecular Schmidt Reaction thesis.

Gobbin, Tiziana Paola (2021) The role of parasites in host speciation. Testing for parasite-mediated divergent selection at different stages of speciation in cichlid fish thesis.

Gonçalves Dias, Rodrigo (2021) Patterns of airway obstruction of non-acquired origin in children with and without major congenital anomalies thesis.

Gálvez-Vázquez, María de Jesús (2021) CO2 Electroreduction on Silver Catalysts Under Controlled Mass Transport Conditions thesis.


Hax Damiani, Leonardo (2021) A novel reactive transport framework for fluid-rock interaction analysis: computational approach, applications and benchmarks thesis.

Held, Tanja (2021) Students’ Motivation and Positive Emotions: Longitudinal Analyses of Influencing Factors and Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Mathematics in Grades 7 and 8 thesis.

Henkel, Jan Wolfgang (2021) Genetic analysis of coat color phenotypes in domestic animals thesis.

Hermann, Benedikt (2021) ACHIP at SwissFEL - Electron Beam Shaping with Dielectric Micro Structures thesis.

Hohl Zürcher, Franziska (2021) Einvernahmeprotokolle lesen : eine wissenssoziologische Untersuchung zur Rezeption von Einvernahmeprotokollen in schweizerischen Strafverfahren thesis.

Hornung, Manes (2021) The Vortex in the (2 + 1)-dimensional O(2) Model and Effective Low-Energy Theory for Spin Chains in a Strong Magnetic Field thesis.

Huser, Kathrin Aisha Maria (2021) Viele Psychopharmaka, viele Stürze? Eine retrospektive Untersuchung potenzieller Effekte von Psychopharmaka auf die Sturzfrequenz in der Akutgeriatrie thesis.


Ilg, Armin (2021) Novel Analysis Techniques and High-Speed Readout to Search for New Physics thesis.

Imhof, Sebastian (2021) Emerging transport solutions and their contributions towards sustainable rural transport systems thesis.

Ionescu, Paul (2021) The Chemistry of Copernicium: Superheavy Element and Homolog Studies thesis.


Jenni, Simon (2021) Learning Generalizable Visual Patterns Without Human Supervision thesis.

Jevrić, Jovana (2021) Amine-Linked Oligomers of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Synthesis, Properties and Supramolecular Assembly thesis.

Jungo, Katharina Tabea (2021) Optimizing Medication Use in Older Adults with Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy thesis.


Kalambaden, Preetha (2021) Empirical essays in economic policy: on labour markets, social mobility and trade thesis.

Kang, Jisuk (2021) Multidisciplinary Investigation of Hydrothermal Fluids in the Janggun Zn-Pb Mineralization (South Korea): Mineralogy, Trace Elements, Pb and S Isotopic Compositions thesis.

Kim, Woon Mi (2021) Extreme hydrological events during the last 3500 years and their changes in the future thesis.

Kiran, Kiran (2021) CO2 to X: electrochemical CO2 reduction on metal foam catalysts thesis.

Kleinspehn, Clemens (2021) Mechanisms underlying biodiversity effects on community productivity thesis.

Koller, Patrick (2021) A Method to Improve the Neutrino Energy Reconstruction in LArTPCs thesis.

Kroll, Sonja Katharina (2021) Mobility and subsistence of prehistoric societies in southern Central Asia and Iran: a multi-isotopic approach thesis.

Köster, Moritz Johannes (2021) Climate−dependent phosphorus forms and their utilization by plants and microorganisms thesis.

Kühne, Maria (2021) Facial Mimicry and the Processing of Facial Emotional Expressions thesis.


Laub, Laetitia (2021) Short-distance constraints on the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon g-2 thesis.

Lechmann, Alessandro Diego (2021) An integrated geological-geophysical approach to subsurface interface reconstruction of muon tomography measurements in high alpine regions thesis.

Lehmann, Eveline (2021) Subset Semantics for Justifications thesis.

Lenhard, Severin Jean-Jacques (2021) Alles I.O.? Adverse Effects of Recent Policy Measures from an Industrial Organization Perspective thesis.

Letko, Anna (2021) Molecular characterization of rare forms of canine neurological diseases as potential models for similar human diseases thesis.

Li, Qiyu (2021) Set-valued Data: Regression, Design and Outliers thesis.

Lukmanov, Rustam A. (2021) Characterization of bio-organic and inorganic chemistries using Laser-based Mass Spectrometry thesis.

Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara Maria (2021) Land Governance in Myanmar. How Powerful Actors Shape Land Use Decision-Making thesis.


Meier, Jonas Christoph (2021) Three essays in econometrics: heterogeneity across outcomes, time and physicians thesis.

Mettler, Thomas (2021) Detection and Measurement of Neutrino Interaction in a Cosmic Contaminated Environment thesis.

Monnard, Joachim (2021) Radiative corrections for the two-pion contribution to the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 thesis.

Moser, Dominick Michael (2021) The antimicrobial effect of cold atmospheric plasma against dental pathogens – a systematic review of in-vitro studies thesis.

Mühlemann, Anja (2021) The Role of Loss Functions in Regression Problems thesis.

Müller, Jurek (2021) Wetlands through time – modeling changes in area and greenhouse gas budgets from the past to the future thesis.


Nanhthavong, Vong (2021) Pathways to sustainable agricultural investments in the Lao PDR: Transformations in natural resource and labour relations through land-based investments and their impacts on human well-being thesis.

Nformidah-Ndah, Siggy Signe (2021) Evolution Of The Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Below A Major Tectono-Volcanic Structure: Constraints From Mantle Xenoliths Along The Cameroon Volcanic Line thesis.

Nigg, Valentin (2021) Sedimentological signatures of lacustrine tsunamis thesis.


Pfiffner, Roger (2021) Using Performance Information for Improvement Actions: Expectations, Challenges, and Prospects for Human Services Managers thesis.

Pianoforte, Federico (2021) Poisson convergence in stochastic geometry via generalized size-bias coupling thesis.


Reihs, Benedikt (2021) Processing of Space Surveillance Observations thesis.

Ren, Wanlin (2021) The Effect of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Labor Protections in China thesis.

Rezaei-Tazik, Mahdi (2021) Ahmad-e Kasrawīs Konzept einer «reinen Religion» (pākdīnī) im Dienste eines vereinten und fortschrittlichen Iran: Ein Beitrag zur Religionskritik im Iran thesis.

Rohleder, Jean (2021) A Grammar of Vamale: A language of New Caledonia thesis.

Rosenberger, Katrina (2021) The effects of long-term cognitive training on the behaviour and welfare of goats thesis.


Saturnino, Francesco (2021) Flavor Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond thesis.

Schild, Kirstin (2021) Resonanz durch Suffizienz: Wie eine suffiziente Lebensweise Resonanz und somit ein gutes Leben befördert thesis.

Schorno, Nina (2021) Von der Theorie in die Praxis: Konzeption, Umsetzung und Wirksamkeitsüberprüfung einer individuellen Sportberatung thesis.

Schreiter, Lucas Fabian (2021) Analysis and Quality Assessment of LEO GPS Data for Geophysical and Ionospheric Applications thesis.

Schröder, Johanna (2021) Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers: From Synthesis to Performance Evaluation at Realistic Reaction Conditions thesis.

Schwaller, Philippe (2021) Learning the Language of Chemical Reactions – Atom by Atom. Linguistics-Inspired Machine Learning Methods for Chemical Reaction Tasks thesis.

Schweizer, Tobias (2021) Time-Domain Ptychography and its Applications in Ultrafast Science thesis.

Schütz, Julia Christine (2021) Immunization against Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone in Female Beef Calves to Avoid Pregnancy at Time of Slaughter thesis.

Serra, Elena (2021) Paleo-glacier history and geomorphic evolution in the Western European Alps since the Last Glacial Maximum thesis.

Shatrov, Kosta Donislavov (2021) Major regulatory shifts as a driver of organizational change in health care: A macro and a micro perspective thesis.

Siegel, Sandra (2021) Effektive Psychotherapie: gibt es therapierelevante Kompetenzen, welche bereits vor der Psychotherapieweiterbildung einen Einfluss auf spätere Therapieerfolge haben? thesis.

Sigrist, Christine (2021) Resting-state, responsivity, and circadian rhythmicity: three different functional components of autonomic nervous system activity in the context of developmental psychopathology thesis.

Stocker, Francesca (2021) Measurement of the Pion Absorption Cross-Section with the ProtoDUNE Experiment thesis.

Strumbl, Melanie (2021) “Show and Tell: Displaying Music Historiography at the International Exhibition of Music and Drama, Vienna 1892” thesis.

Stähli, Annabarbara (2021) Emotionale Verarbeitung in der Psychologischen Therapie: Drei wissenschaftliche Artikel zum Einfluss der Integration emotionsfokussierter Therapieelemente auf den Veränderungsprozess der emotionalen Transformation thesis.


Theilkäs, Lorenz (2021) Zwischen Reformen und Revolutionen¨. Die Bestimmung des Menschen im Denken von Philipp Albert Stapfer (1766-1840) thesis.

Toneatti, Daniel Jan (2021) Survival of dental implants and occurrence of osteoradionecrosis in irradiated head and neck cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis thesis.

Trechsel, Lilian Julia (2021) Learning for Sustainable Development in Higher Education and Beyond: Finding and Shaping Transformative Spaces thesis.

Tschirren, Linda (2021) Towards an effective improvement of fish health and welfare in aquaculture with standards for protocols for both the evaluation of mycotoxins and the on-farm assessment of fish welfare thesis.

Tu, Luyao (2021) Sedimentary phosphorus dynamics in response to lake trophy and mixing regime changes during the Late-Glacial, Holocene and the Anthropocene: three case studies from deep lakes in Switzerland thesis.

Tuyt, Olim Frits (2021) One-Variable Fragments of First-Order Many-Valued Logics thesis.


Umbach, Natalie Rebecca (2021) Retrospektive Analyse der Stentimplantate bei angeborenen Herzfehlern am Inselspital 2011-2018 thesis.


Velásquez Álvarez, Patricio Andrés (2021) Regional Climate Modelling over Europe at Glacial Times thesis.

Vignali, Sergio (2021) Predicting areas of potential conflicts between bearded vultures (Gypaetus barbatus) and wind turbines in the Swiss Alps thesis.


Wagner, Patrick James (2021) Patient Zero: unintended consequences and infectious upgrading : the effect of outward investment linkages with Europe on decent working conditions in Brazil thesis.

Wasna, Dominique Corinna (2021) Essays examining how non-professional investors use financial disclosures in investment decisions thesis.


Zander, Paul David (2021) The varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie, Poland as a high-resolution archive of environmental change thesis.

Zandi, Nadia (2021) 61Cu/67Cu theranostic pair production, chemical separation and radiolabeling thesis.

Zivko, Cristina (2021) Lipid based anti-fibrotic formulations and their impact on extracellular vesicles thesis.

Zohdi, Hamoon (2021) Effects of exposure to colored light on cerebral and systemic physiology in humans thesis.

Zuberbühler, Eva Marina (2021) Expert knowledge and prejudice : two interpretations of differing priors thesis.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:25:03 2025 CET.