BORIS Theses

BORIS Theses
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Students’ Motivation and Positive Emotions: Longitudinal Analyses of Influencing Factors and Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Mathematics in Grades 7 and 8

Held, Tanja (2021). Students’ Motivation and Positive Emotions: Longitudinal Analyses of Influencing Factors and Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Mathematics in Grades 7 and 8. (Thesis). Universität Bern, Bern

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Motivation plays a crucial role in successful learning processes, academic achievement, and lifelong learning. However, existing research has revealed unfavorable developments of motivational constructs as well as positive emotions over the school years—especially after the transition to secondary education and in the subject of mathematics. Given the relevance for learning and future careers and the unfavorable trajectories, fostering students’ motivation and positive emotions in mathematics is of importance. Accordingly, the purpose of this dissertation was to gain a deeper understanding of the development and promotion of students’ motivation and emotions in mathematics in lower secondary education. The three studies of this dissertation provide an in-depth analysis of the development and interplay of different motivational and emotional factors. Moreover, the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention to promote motivation and positive emotions was evaluated. Within the intervention project “Maintaining and Fostering Students’ Positive Learning Emotions and Learning Motivation in Maths Instruction During Early Adolescence (EMo-Math),” data from 348 students in the lowest-ability tier in mathematics in the Swiss canton of Bern were collected during Grades 7 and 8. Studies I and II investigated the interplay of basic psychological needs and self-determined forms of motivational regulation as well as control and value appraisals and different emotions. The results provided empirical support that these motivational and emotional factors are related to the selfdetermined forms of motivational regulation and different emotions and thus are suitable factors for promoting motivation and positive emotions. Furthermore, the two studies investigated the development of the constructs and revealed that intraindividual changes occurred in motivational and emotional factors as well as self-determined forms of motivation and emotions. In addition, the results of Study II also suggested between-person differences existed regarding changes, and Study III provided information on the stability of motivation profiles within the sample and the intraindividual changes between the motivation profiles. Regarding the effectiveness of the intervention, Studies I and II revealed no significant effect of the intervention. However, the results of Study III suggest an interaction existed between students’ motivation and the intervention (i.e., aptitude-treatment interaction) that resulted in differential effects of the intervention among students. The intervention seemed to be effective for some students, whereas it was counterproductive for other students. Overall, the research findings highlighted the complexity of student motivation and emotions and the challenges associated with their promotion. Finally, implications for theory, future research, and educational practice are discussed.

Item Type: Thesis
Dissertation Type: Cumulative
Date of Defense: 20 December 2021
Subjects: 300 Social sciences, sociology & anthropology > 370 Education
Institute / Center: 07 Faculty of Human Sciences > Institute of Education > School and Teaching Research
Depositing User: Sarah Stalder
Date Deposited: 18 Dec 2023 09:08
Last Modified: 18 Dec 2023 23:25

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