Number of items: 48.
Aebischer, Stefan
Three Essays on Innovation and Precautionary Cash Holdings
thesis, University of Bern.
Anastasiades, Carlos
Information-centric communication in mobile and wireless networks
thesis, Universität Bern.
Barth, Lukas Abraham
Mehrsprachigkeit in russisch-schweizerischen Familien
Borter, Natalie
Aufgabenkomplexität und Intelligenz
thesis, Universität Bern.
Bänninger, Anja
From rest to task
thesis, Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern.
Caracciolo, Andrea Enrico Francis
A unified approach to architecture conformance checking
thesis, Universität Bern.
Chis, Vasile-Andrei
Moldable tools
thesis, Universität Bern.
Cuenca Vera, Miguelangel
Exploring the pathogen-commensal continuum: Cell wall auxotrophic bacteria in gnotobiotic mice
thesis, University of Bern.
Dichter, Oliver
Pension plans: risk and governance
thesis, University of Bern.
Dèzes, Mariia
Refined isotopic compositions of K, Ca and a complementary comparison of the 40K-40Ca, 40K-40Ar and 87Rb-87Sr chronometers
Essl, Andrea Maria
Three essays in behavioral and managerial economics
thesis, Universität Bern.
Felder, Guido
Methoden zur Abschätzung extremer Hochwasser
thesis, Universität Bern.
Funk, Eva
«Am Fremden müssen wir lernen, das Eigene zu erkennen». Kulturelle Differenz, Alterität und Identität in Repräsentationen Tibets und des tibetischen Buddhismus
thesis, Universität Bern.
Haurholm-Larsen, Steffen
A Grammar of Garifuna
thesis, University of Bern.
Hof, Stefanie
Essays on the Economics of Education
thesis, University of Bern.
Hümbelin, Oliver
Ungleichheit, Umverteilung und der Wohlfahrtsstaat in der Schweiz
thesis, Universität Bern.
Indergand, Ronald
Four essays in macroeconomics
thesis, Universität Bern.
Jevean, Patrick
Management of dental anxiety: a cross-sectional survey in private dental practices in western Switzerland (Romandie)
thesis, Universität Bern.
Jokuschies, Nina Maria
Erfassung und Validierung der subjektiven Talentkriterien von Fussballtrainern unter Verwendung eines konstruktivistischen Ansatzes
thesis, Universität Bern.
Kashev, Alexander
Justification with nominals
thesis, Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik.
Kaufmann, David
Varieties of capital cities
thesis, University of Bern.
Kokkinis, Ioannis
Uncertain Reasoning in Justification Logic
thesis, Institute of Computer Science.
Kolesnyk, Petro
Bi-log-concave distribution and regression functions
Kronenberg, Regula Monika
Dauerhaftes Sistieren einer schweren Symptomatik von „Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome“/ Chronisch abakterieller Prostatitis nach Injektion von Procain (Neuraltherapie) an den Plexus vesicoprostaticus.
Fallbericht und Literaturreview mit Beschreibung möglicher Wirkmechanismen
thesis, Universität Bern.
Kurš, Jan
Parsing for agile modeling
thesis, Universität Bern.
Kyburz, Stephan Daniel
Essays in Development and Political Economics: Infrastructure, the Political Resource Curse, and Technology Spillovers
thesis, Universität Bern.
Li, Zan
Fine-grained indoor positioning and tracking systems
thesis, Universität Bern.
Loher, David
The Limits of Control : Transnational Migration Trajectories of Clandestine Tunisian Migrants and Assisted Return Between Governed Voluntariness and Repression
Manzi, Marco
Advanced Techniques in Gradient-Domain Rendering
thesis, Universität Bern.
Merks, Sarah
Elucidating different aspects of speed of information processing: comparison of behavioral response latency and P300 latency in a modified Hick reaction time task
thesis, Universität Bern.
Michel, Andrea
The complement of the open orbit for tame quivers
thesis, Universität Bern.
Misev, Filip
On the Plumbing Structure of Fibre Surfaces
thesis, University of Bern.
Moll, Kurt
Das Gebot der Wirksamkeit im Alpenschutz: Evaluation in der Verlagerungspolitik
thesis, Universität Bern.
Müller, Barbara
Four essays on the economics of vocational education and training
thesis, University of Bern.
Nobre Gomes, André Sérgio
Performance Enhancement of Content Delivery in Mobile Networks
thesis, University of Bern and University of Coimbra.
Nukic, Senada
Essays in macroeconomics
thesis, University of Bern.
Poonoosamy, Jenna
Dissolution-Precipitation in Porous Media: Experiments and Modelling
thesis, University of Bern.
Proedrou, Elisavet
Three-dimensional simulations of the ozone layer and atmospheric dynamics of earth-like habitable planets
thesis, University of Bern.
Rezende dos Santos, Leonardo Humberto
Materials properties from electron density distributions: Molecular magnetism and linear optical properties
thesis, Universität Bern.
Rogger, Jonas
Decidability of Order-Based Modal Logics
thesis, University of Bern.
Saengsuwan, Jittima
Investigation of robotics-assisted tilt table technology for cardiopulmonary exercise testing in stroke patients
thesis, University of Bern.
Spasojevic, Boris
Developing Ecosystem-aware Tools
thesis, Universität Bern.
Suter, Roman
Bildungserfolg trotz Migrationshintergrund: Ressourcen von bildungserfolgreichen jungen Erwachsenen mit Migrationshintergrund in der Schweiz
thesis, Universität Bern.
Wapp, Manuela
Internal and external effects on cognition: Evidence from memory training in very preterm-born children and cognition in patients with carotid artery stenosis before and after treatment
thesis, University of Bern.
Wininger von Holzen, Jacqueline
Untersuchungen zur spätrömischen Keramik aus Syene/Assuan in Oberägypten (4.-7. Jahrhundert AD). Haus 9 und seine Umgebung in Areal 1. Grabungskampagnen 1 bis 4
thesis, Universität Bern.
Wüest, Alyssa Laurence
Comparison of treatment strategies for anaemia of prematurity in extremely low birthweight infants between 1997 and 2011
thesis, Universität Bern.
Zimmermann, Adrian
Applications of Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling in Service Operations Management
thesis, Universität Bern.
Zimmermann, Béatrice
Perception, Interpretation and Managing of Climate Change and Related Natural Hazards in Tajikistan
thesis, University of Bern.
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:25:02 2025 CET.