BORIS Theses

BORIS Theses
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Number of items: 54.


Abbaspour, Sufi (2019) Dispositional perspective on causal reasoning in 7/8-year-old children and adults thesis.

Angst, Mario (2019) Fragmentation and integration in Swiss water governance: Understanding a complex system through the study of organizational networks thesis.

Antunes Correia, Dora Gabriela (2019) Whole-ventricular irradiation for intracranial germ cell tumors: Dosimetric comparison of pencil beam scanned protons, intensity-modulated radiotherapy and volumetric-modulated arc therapy thesis.

Arampatzis, Christoforos (2019) Antler artifacts from the Neolithic lakeside settlement Anarghiri IXb, Western Macedonia, Greece thesis.

Avak, Sven Erik (2019) Impact and Implications of Melting on the Preservation of Trace Elements in High-Alpine Snow and Glacier Ice thesis.

Babl, Anna (2019) Everybody has won and all must have prices thesis.

Beyeler, Simon (2019) Sparse Factors, Streamlined Time-variation, and Twisted Yield Curves thesis.

Biondo, Monica Virginia (2019) The marine ornamental fish trade in Switzerland and Europe thesis.

Blouri, Yashar (2019) Public Policy and the Geography of Economic Activity thesis.

Bucheli, Joshua (2019) Wittgenstein and the Gadfly: Some Meta-Philosophical Reflections thesis.

Christodoulidis, Stergios (2019) Lung Pattern Analysis using Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis Support of Interstitial Lung Diseases thesis.

Crede, Ann-Kathrin (2019) Experimental evidence on behavior in organizations and markets thesis.

Eggenschwiler, Yelka (2019) Essays on risks in the tourism industry thesis.

Feigean, Mathieu (2019) Emergence of collective behaviour. How Individual Regulation Matters in Elaborating Team Patterns in Football thesis.

Franzoni, Jessica (2019) Erasmo di Valvasone e la sua Angeleida thesis.

Gehrlein, Jonas (2019) Experimental evidence on human choices in organizations and markets thesis.

Gewinner, Jennifer (2019) Default Rules as a Soft Incentive in Promoting Renewable Energy Uptake thesis.

Giagkoulis, Tryfon (2019) The pile-field and the wooden structures of the Neolithic lakeside settlement Anarghiri IXb Western Macedonia, Greece thesis.

Gnägi, Matthias Simon (2019) Three Essays Examining the Effects of Mandatory Compensation Clawbacks on Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting thesis.

Gyr, Eleonor (2019) Blockchain und Smart Contracts thesis.

Hager, Monika (2019) Automated Transverse Momentum Resummation for Electroweak Boson Production thesis.

Hitz-Gamper, Benedikt Simon (2019) Infrastructures, Cooperation and Openness in Smart Cities thesis.

Hurni, Thomas (2019) Inter-Organizational Ecosystems in Software Development thesis.

Höchli, Bettina (2019) "Both/And" Instead of "Either/Or”: How Focusing on Goals at Different Levels of Abstraction Can Motivate Goal Pursuit thesis.

Kammermann, Lorenz (2019) Policy selection in renewable energy transitions. Acceptance and resistance in Switzerland thesis.

Kijewski, Sara (2019) The Societal Legacy of War: The Lasting Impact of War on Individual Attitudes in Post-War Society thesis.

Kobel, Thomas Martin (2019) Bedeutet Är isch ga schwümme das gleiche wie Er ist schwimmen? Eine empirische Untersuchung zu den Perfektformen der schweizerdeutschen Verbverdoppelung und zur Funktion des Absentivs thesis.

Komor, Philipp Jan (2019) Die Gewinnungskosten beim Einkommen aus unbeweglichem Privatvermögen thesis.

Kuske, Eva Anina (2019) Guam English: Emergence, Development and Variation thesis.

Kéri, Annamária Gabriella (2019) Mechanism of metal uptake by clay minerals ― X-ray spectroscopy and molecular modelling study thesis.

Lehrig, Tim (2019) User-Driven Change enabled by Malleable Information Technology thesis.

Leonhardt, Tobias (2019) English in Kiribati: a historical, linguistic and sociophonetic report on a Micronesian variety thesis.

Lutz, Philipp (2019) Inside the Migration State: The Quest for Democratic Legitimacy thesis.

Mader, Sebastian (2019) What drives climate change? thesis.

Mailler‐Burch, Simone Gabriela (2019) Rethinking the criteria for fibromyalgia in 2019: the ABC indicators thesis.

Manser-Egli, Julia Elisa Marianne (2019) Klinische Prüfung nicht zugelassener Präparate an der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Waldau zwischen 1950 und 1970 thesis.

Meyer, Andreas Mårten Johannes (2019) Frequent occurrence of late-onset pneumocystis pneumonia in renal transplant recipients with recurrence in the absence of secondary prophylaxis thesis.

Mila, Olivier (2019) The trace field of hyperbolic gluings thesis.

Moor, Christoph (2019) "Und spurlos verschollen ist hiervon die Tradition" thesis.

Muhmenthaler, Michèle Christine (2019) Kognitive Kontrolle und Gedächtnis: der Einfluss kognitiver Kontrollmechanismen auf das Gedächtnis thesis.

Pfister, Isabel Barbara (2019) Appreciation at Work and its Consequences thesis.

Probst, Matthias (2019) Hydrologie anwendungsorientiert vermitteln thesis.

Riniker, Christine (2019) Poetik der Störung. ‚Christian Kracht‘ als Herausforderung für die literarische Öffentlichkeit thesis.

Sbacchi, Diego (2019) La corte celeste di Dante thesis.

Schmid, Benjamin (2019) Energy cooperatives in Switzerland: a study of energy cooperatives and their interrelations with local governments in the Swiss federalist system thesis.

Steffen, Angela (2019) Motivation through information: Three field experiments thesis.

Surbeck, Jenny (2019) Intellectual Property Rights in Preferential Trade Agreements: Mapping the Content, Analysing the Design, Studying the Effects thesis.

Thiel, Anja (2019) A Northern City Going Elsewhere: Apparent and Real-Time Sound Change in Ogdensburg, New York thesis.

Trancik Petitpierre, Viera (2019) Reigoldswil: Eine anthropologische Untersuchung zweier Gräberfelder aus dem 7.-13. Jh thesis.

Valzania, Lorenzo (2019) Coherent lensless imaging techniques using terahertz radiation thesis.

Vermij, Sarah Helena (2019) Characterizing Nav1.5 expression, organization, and electrical behavior in cardiomyocyte domains thesis.

Waldis, Lea (2019) Das Zusammenspiel von sexueller Orientierung Soziosexualität und Geschlechtsrollenorientierung bei Frauen und Männern thesis.

Welten, Vivian Lara (2019) Von der Überwindbarkeitsvermutung zur Indikatorenrechtsprechung. Analyse und Implikationen der bundesgerichtlichen Schmerzrechtsprechung in der Invalidenversicherung thesis.

Winkler, Anja Verena (2019) Lerngelegenheiten in der schulpraktischen Ausbildung differenter Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildungsinstitutionen thesis.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:25:05 2025 CET.