BORIS Theses

BORIS Theses
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Number of items: 114.


Adam, James Natia (2022) The politics of decentralization in Ghana : impacts on natural resource management, sustainability and gender relations thesis.

Adenle, Ademola Andrew (2022) Land Degradation and Its Impacts on Ecosystem Services in the Nigerian Guinea Savannah: Implications for Sustainable Land Management thesis.

Ali, Syed Mubashshir (2022) Recurrent Rossby waves: drivers and links to persistent weather thesis.

Ambühl, Benjamin Adrian (2022) The Role of Psychological Ownership in Community-based Piped Water Supply Infrastructure in Nepal and India thesis.

Anand, Aryavart (2022) Chronology and Genealogy of Early Solar System Materials from Chromium Isotopes thesis.

Ansorg, Anna-Katharina (2022) Quality of chronic care for patients with type 2 diabetes in practices with and without a Clinical Specialized Medical Assistant (CSMA) – a cross-sectional study from Switzerland thesis.

April-Monn, Simon Leonhard (2022) Insight on neuroendocrine neoplasms from patient-derived cell culture systems thesis.

Ballantyne, Harry (2022) Planetary-Scale Impacts and their Geophysical Consequences thesis.

Bieri, jan (2022) Receptor switching controls human parvovirus B19 tropism and cell entry thesis.

Borges da Silva, Lucas (2022) High-resolution reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the last interglacial based on the EDC ice core thesis.

Bozic, Ivan (2022) The coordinating influence of thalamic nucleus reuniens on sleep oscillations in cortical and hippocampal structures – relevance to memory consolidation and sleep structure thesis.

Braunschweiger, Dominik (2022) Adaptation to climate change in practice: Overcoming the adaptation implementation gap in Switzerland thesis.

Brog, Noemi Anja (2022) Coping with a pandemic: findings on efficacy and predictors of treatment outcome in an internet-based self-help intervention for COVID-19 related psychological distress thesis.

Bruni, Pia Simona (2022) Aspects of cyclodextrin host-guest complexes in mass spectrometry thesis.

Buchmann, Moritz (2022) How does the homogenisation of snow measurements impact snow climatology in the Alps? (Hom4Snow) thesis.

Bur, Oliver Thomas (2022) Optimizing the Supportive Context of Web-Based Self-Help in Individuals With Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms thesis.

Bär, Séverine (2022) Suicides and ambient temperature in Switzerland: a nationwide time-series analysis thesis.

Bühlmann, Patrick (2022) The Schwinger model in the canonical formulation thesis.

Bürli, Sarah Audrey (2022) Causes and consequences of the rarity of plant species thesis.

Caggìa, Veronica Lucia Luigina (2022) Effects of environmental chemicals on soil and plant health thesis.

Chiocchia, Virginia (2022) Methods for ranking competing treatment in network meta-analysis thesis.

Cirule, Dace (2022) Synthesis of Cyclopentenone Isoprostanes and Highly Functionalized Cyclopentanes thesis.

Colson, Eloïse (2022) Classical and Quantum Dots Photoredox Catalyzed Synthetic Methods thesis.

Da Rin, Zaira Winther (2022) Absehen von Strafe für Opfer von Menschenhandel: Art. 26 der Konvention des Europarats zur Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels und die Umsetzung des Non-Punishment-Prinzips in der Schweiz. Mit einer Praxisanalyse zur Erkennung und Identifizierung von Opfern des Menschenhandels im Rahmen der polizeilichen Arbeit thesis.

Du, Jia (2022) A new concept for nanocomposite electrocatalysts: studying the oxygen reduction/evolution reaction and the formic acid oxidation reaction on Pt-based systems thesis.

Engler, Pascal (2022) Kompetenzerwerb in Praxisorganisationen : eine Analyse der Kompetenzprofile der Fachhochschulen der Sozialen Arbeit in der Deutschschweiz thesis.

Filsinger, Maximilian (2022) Populism as a Problem of Social Disintegration? A Comparative Analysis of the Socio-Integrational Underpinnings of Populism in Europe thesis.

Fiorillo, Luigi (2022) Automated Sleep Scoring, Deep Learning and Physician Supervision thesis.

Gadient, Pascal (2022) The Dilemma of Security Smells and How to Escape It thesis.

García Ruiz, Irene (2022) Mechanisms that shape the evolution of cooperative breeding thesis.

Gfeller, Valentin (2022) The impact of benzoxazinoids on agroecological plant-soil feedbacks thesis.

Giger, Johannes Marcus (2022) International Land Acquisitions in the Global South: Patterns, Drivers, and Impacts thesis.

Gontier, Camille Michel Jean-Claude (2022) Statistical approaches for synaptic characterization thesis.

Grandjean, Loris Noël (2022) Individualisation in Psychotherapy Research: Personality Disorders Spearheading the Way thesis.

Grisotto, Giorgia (2022) Diet and Menopause thesis.

Grogg-Trachsel, Hanna (2022) Reproducibility of 4D cardiac computed tomography feature tracking myocardial strain and comparison against speckle-tracking echocardiography in patients with severe aortic stenosis thesis.

Grossenbacher, Philipp (2022) Development of Synthetic Research Tools for Structural and Functional Studies of Mitochondrial Carriers and Other Membrane Proteins thesis.

Guan, Hang (2022) The Role of Soil Indigenous Microbes and Their Interactions with Maize Plants in Arsenic Uptake, Translocation, Speciation and Detoxification in the Soil-Plant System thesis.

Hasanaj, Valon (2022) Jointly Addressing the Three Red Waves: Poverty, Inequality, and Climate Change thesis.

Hegy, Julia Katharina (2022) Where Shall We Begin? Factors to Consider When Developing Psychological Interventions for Dealing With Stressful Life Events Based on the Results of Three Research Projects thesis.

Heinz, Julia (2022) Prävalenz und Einflussfaktoren der Zahnbehandlungsangst in der Schweiz: Auswertung der repräsentativen SSO-Umfrage aus dem Jahr 2010 thesis.

Henzi, Alexander (2022) Isotonic Distributional Regression thesis.

Hofstetter, Elena (2022) Enantioselective Hydroalkylation and Natural Product Modification Mediated by Radical Reactions thesis.

Häfliger, Irene Monika (2022) Forward vs. reverse genetics: a bovine perspective based on visible and hidden phenotypes of inherited disorders thesis.

Illien, Patrick (2022) The bittersweet taste of “miracle growth”: a political economy analysis of poverty, labour, and economic growth in the coffee heartlands of Laos and Rwanda thesis.

Imeli, Brigitta (2022) Private Sustainability Standards and the WTO. A Case Study from Switzerland thesis.

Imhof, Christof (2022) A Prediction-Based Framework to Reduce Procrastination in Adaptive Learning Systems thesis.

Kneubühler, Jeannette (2022) More than what meets the eye: cryptic speciation and hidden diversity in land snails thesis.

Knuchel, Dominique Liza (2022) An Introduction to Kogi Grammar thesis.

Lasser, Martin (2022) Noise Modelling for GRACE Follow-On Observables in the Celestial Mechanics Approach thesis.

Lenze, Lars (2022) Sport and leisure-time physical activity behavior over the life course: Description and explanation of factors and events of individual trajectories thesis.

Lüthi, Martina Nadine (2022) Reconstitution of pollinator-mediated speciation in Petunia through single gene mutations thesis.

Mandrakis, Vasileios (2022) Atmospheric measurements including AirCore measurements thesis.

Manetti, Elisa Désirée (2022) Leggere il "non-scritto": uno studio qualitativo nelle scuole post-obbligatorie del Cantone Ticino circa l'impiego delle abilità inferenziali nella comprensione del testo thesis.

Marchini, Valentina (2022) Biocatalytic Tools for Enzymatic Cascades thesis.

Mastropierro, Pasquale (2022) Tailor made mixed-metal reagents for metalation/C-C bond forming processes thesis.

Matthys, Marie-Luise (2022) Agricultural commercialisation and the 'good life'. Investigating the relationship between wellbeing and cash crop production in low-income countries with qualitative and quantitative methods thesis.

Meier, Tobias Gabriel (2022) Interior dynamics of tidally locked super-Earths thesis.

Meishvili, Givi (2022) Learning Representations for Controllable Image Restoration thesis.

Mildenberger, Anna Petra (2022) Die Massnahmen der Stadt Bern auf die Pestbedrohung im Jahre 1770 thesis.

Moore, Gareth John (2022) Charge Dynamics in Organic Photovoltaics: Effects of Morphology on Formation, Separation and Recombination thesis.

Mulky, Elias Tarek Constantin (2022) Engineering Absorbable Fiber Reinforced Bone Substitute Materials thesis.

Musy, Stéphanie Lisa (2022) Further developments of radio-noble gas groundwater dating – assessment of 39Ar and 37Ar underground production, and development of a new 85Kr sampling technique thesis.

Nössing, Elisabeth (2022) From camps to urban enclaves: Accommodating Syrian refugees in Berlin (2016-2019) thesis.

Onink, Victor (2022) From coastlines to the deep sea: modeling plastic transport in the global ocean thesis.

Pardo Gil, Miguel (2022) High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals – Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment? thesis.

Patkar, Nitish Shriniwas (2022) Supporting multiple stakeholders in agile development thesis.

Peignier, Mélissa (2022) The link between personality and sexual selection in a neotropical poison frog thesis.

Pestelacci, Sabina (2022) Outcomes and long-term follow-up of 106 cats treated with subcutaneous ureteral bypass for ureteral obstruction thesis.

Petrova, Alisa (2022) The Emotional and Cognitive Responses of Consumers to Innovative Practices in Online Marketing thesis.

Peverelli, Veronica (2022) Epidote U–Pb geochronology and isotope geochemistry to trace the hydration of the continental crust in orogens thesis.

Pfarrer, Beat Ulrich (2022) Museum specimens under scrutiny – new insights into the phylogeny of continental molluscs thesis.

Rani, Pooja (2022) Assessing Comment Quality in Object-Oriented Languages thesis.

Rauber, Martin (2022) Radiocarbon Source Apportionment of Carbonaceous Aerosols using Water-Soluble Organic Carbon and Oxalate Fractions thesis.

Renn, Mara Muriel (2022) Quantifying human impacts to tease apart cultural and climatic drivers of Holocene vegetation change thesis.

Reyes Contreras, Maria Isabel (2022) Mechanisms and behavioural consequences of egg-mediated maternal effects thesis.

Riede, Aaron Christopher (2022) Fourier Transform Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy with Femtosecond Single-Shot Interferometry thesis.

Rivoire, Pauline Marie Clémence (2022) On the assessment of precipitation extremes in reanalysis and ensemble forecast datasets thesis.

Rothenbühler, Simon (2022) DNA Architectonics: Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Oligonucleotides into Supramolecular Nanostructures thesis.

Rudolf von Rohr, Christoph (2022) Measurement of Muon Neutrino Charged Current Inclusive Interactions on Argon thesis.

Rummens, Koen (2022) Challenging the similarity rule of visual crowding: When detrimental clutter becomes beneficial uniformity thesis.

Rüegg, René Alexander (2022) Health Literacy: Determinant of Health or Status Indicator? thesis.

Salvador, Sara (2022) Bayesian inference and Monte Carlo methods for directional data thesis.

Schliemann, René Jens (2022) Towards understanding the dissolution mechanism of clay minerals – An ab initio simulations study thesis.

Schott, Josua (2022) Holomorphic Factorization of Mappings into Sp2n(C) thesis.

Schulthess, Ivo (2022) Search for Axion-Like Dark Matter and Exotic Yukawa-Like Interaction thesis.

Schwenk, Michael Alfred (2022) The Bümpliz trough sedimentary succession: a key to unravel the history of Mid-Pleistocene ice cover and lake formation in the overdeepened Aare Valley (Bern, CH) thesis.

Slodowicz, Daniel (2022) Grassland Restoration: Relative effectiveness of different restoration methods on plant and invertebrate diversity thesis.

Stöckli, Jonas (2022) Exempel. Todesstrafen für 17 „Landesverräter“ durch die Schweizer Militärjustiz während des Zweiten Weltkrieges thesis.

Thakkar, Amol Vijay (2022) Computer Aided Synthesis Prediction to Enable Augmented Chemical Discovery and Chemical Space Exploration thesis.

Thönen, Lisa (2022) Maize root bacteria cooperate to tolerate and metabolise host-secreted plant specialized metabolites thesis.

Tschumi, Elisabeth Andrea (2022) The effects of differing drought-heat signatures on terrestrial carbon dynamics and vegetation composition using dynamic vegetation modelling thesis.

Tschumi, Pascal (2022) Social Innovation and Growth Independence: Knowledge and Co-Creation in Agency towards Growth-Independent Regional Development thesis.

Turin, Riccardo (2022) Distributional approximations and set-valued sublinear expectations thesis.

Vagheian, Mehran (2022) A point source high power converter target to produce Bremsstrahlung for photonuclear reactions thesis.

Valantinas, Adomas (2022) Bright and Dusty Regions of Mars: New Insights from Experiments and Orbital Color Imaging thesis.

Vallat, Luc (2022) De l'inertie des formes fixes à l'écriture libre. Structures des chansons françaises dans la "génération de 1528" thesis.

Vargas De León, Alejandro José (2022) Gonality of metric graphs and Catalan-many tropical morphisms to trees thesis.

Waber, Jennifer Lina (2022) Wohlbefinden, Emotionen und soziale Beziehungen im Lehrberuf. Untersuchungen zum Wohlbefinden von Lehrpersonen und zu Emotionen und Vertrauen im Kontext sozialer Interaktionen von angehenden Lehrpersonen im Teampraktikum thesis.

Wamsler, Steffen (2022) The Social Integration Framework and National Identity: Relative Deprivation, Social Trust and Pandemic Threat thesis.

Wenke, Marion (2022) Co-ordination of brain and heart oscillations during non rapid eye movement sleep thesis.

Widmer, Sarah (2022) Genetic analysis of female fertility focussing on multiple birth events in Swiss cattle thesis.

Wiedemann, Ruth (2022) Pesticide risk regulation in two distinct policy subsystems: Investigating policy actors in Uganda and policy output in Costa Rica thesis.

Wiesli, Thea Xenia (2022) Quality of Life and Sustainability in Rural Switzerland thesis.

Wolffers, Mirjam Sophia (2022) Thermodynamic model of flue gas cooling path and implications on heavy metal recovery from MSWI fly ash thesis.

Zakharova, Elena (2022) Peptides and Peptide Dendrimers as Drug Delivery and Anticancer Agents thesis.

Zanella, Matheus Alves (2022) Between Global Committees, National Policymaking and a Single Kitchen: Governing Food Systems Towards Sustainability in an Era of Multi-Stakeholderism thesis.

Zarro Baumeister, Sandra Marinella (2022) Vertrauen als Voraussetzung für Kreativität und Innovation: ein Plananalyse-Ansatz zur Förderung innovativer Leistung. Trust as a prerequisite for creativity and innovation: a plan analysis approach to foster innovative performance thesis.

Zayed, Mohamed Ahmed Said (2022) Modification of phosphoric acid with polyphenol-rich plant extracts: assessment of bond strength to non-eroded and eroded dentine thesis.

Zelocualtecatl Montiel, Ivan (2022) Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide in Advanced Electrolyser Systems thesis.

Zhang, Fukai (2022) Investigation of condensin-related proteins and purification of the DNA excision machinery in Paramecium tetraurelia thesis.

Zhou, Ping (2022) Investigation on Intramolecular Charge Transfer in π-Conjugated Donor and Acceptor Ensembles thesis.

Zimmermann, Christoph Martin (2022) Formulation and characterization of siRNA embedded nanoparticles for pulmonary delivery thesis.

Zumofen, Guillaume (2022) Information Selection and Opinion Formation in Political Campaign – Is it all about Cues or are Citizens Selecting and Processing Policy Arguments? The Case of Political Advertisement, Newspaper, Television, and Google in Switzerland thesis.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 03:25:04 2025 CET.