BORIS Theses

BORIS Theses
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Number of items: 117.


Adhikari, Biraj (2023) A cross-scale investigation on the linkages between nature, nature’s contributions to people, and human wellbeing in Nepal thesis.

Aellen, Florence Marcelle (2023) Artificial intelligence techniques for studying neural functions in coma and sleep disorders thesis.

Alpos, Orestis Charilaos (2023) Distributed Protocols with Threshold and General Trust Assumptions thesis.

Bandou, Dimitri Tibo (2023) Overdeepenings in the Bern region, Switzerland: Understanding their formation processes using 3D gravity forward modelling thesis.

Baur, Michael (2023) Justification Logic, Semirings and Realizations thesis.

Bergaglio, Talia (2023) Chemical effects on blood studied using label-free nanoscale analytics thesis.

Bigler, Patrick (2023) Essays in the Economics of Decarbonization. Evidence on Direct and Indirect Effects of Transportation and Solar Photovoltaic Policy in Switzerland thesis.

Bigler, Tamara (2023) Model-based approaches for large-scale optimization in business operations thesis.

Bordon, Gregor (2023) Next-generation lipidic drug delivery systems for osteoarthritis treatment thesis.

Borgmann, Michèle (2023) Sexual Pleasure Matters: Defining, Operationalizing, and Promoting Sexual Pleasure thesis.

Bregulla, Daniel (2023) Promoting Pro-Environmental Behavior: Evidence from the Lab and the Field thesis.

Brunner, Marc (2023) Three Essays in Empirical Finance thesis.

Burri, Sebastian Andreas (2023) Pseudoscalar-pole contributions to Hadronic Light-by-Light scattering in the muon g − 2 from twisted mass lattice QCD thesis.

Buser, Matthias (2023) Soziale Integration im Vereinssport – Entstehung und Rolle struktureller Bedingungen thesis.

Bühler, Florian Jonas (2023) Sociocultural Aspects of Metacognitive Monitoring thesis.

Carbajal Martínez, Daniel (2023) Unraveling the behavior of amagmatic geothermal systems through thermal–hydraulic simulations: insights from the Agua Blanca Fault, Baja California, Mexico thesis.

Carone, Marianna (2023) Lipid-based drug delivery systems for inflammatory and fibrosis therapies thesis.

Chatterjee, Meghranjana (2023) Prospects of Finding New Fundamental Physics and Upgrade Studies with the ATLAS detector at the LHC thesis.

Chen, Ping (2023) Technetium retention and migration in clay systems in presence of iron thesis.

Christen, Matthias Theo (2023) Genetic analysis of inherited canine neurological disorders thesis.

Collalti, Dino (2023) Danger from Above - The Economic Impacts of Floods thesis.

Darawish, Rimah (2023) Graphene Nanoribbon Growth and Substrate Transfer for Device Applications thesis.

Dellepiane, Gaia (2023) Novel Radionuclides for Theranostics at the Bern Medical Cyclotron thesis.

Deperrois, Nicolas Rouben Pascal (2023) Learning to Dream, Dreaming to Learn thesis.

Emami, Negar (2023) Deep Learning Techniques for Mobility Prediction and Management in Mobile Networks thesis.

Erhardt, Julian (2023) The political-psychological foundations of support for the regime and its institutions thesis.

Fach, Wolfgang (2023) Das Spektrum des Außergewöhnlichen: Konzeptionelle Ansätze, empirisch-phänomenologische Untersuchungen und plananalytische Fallstudien zur mentalen Repräsentation bei außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen thesis.

Favrod, Samuel (2023) QCD anatomy of photon isolation thesis.

Ferretti, Livio Clemente Emilio (2023) On positive braids and monodromy groups of plane curve singularities thesis.

Foetisch, Alexandra (2023) Occurrence and fate of micro- and nanoplastic in the terrestrial environment thesis.

Fuchs, Mathias (2023) The Matching-Graph thesis.

Ganguin, Aymar Abel (2023) Bioderived therapeutics for chronic liver diseases thesis.

Gasser, Jonathan (2023) Towards better Calibration of Space Instrumentation for Measurements of Energetic Neutral Atoms thesis.

Gautier, Athénaïs (2023) Modelling and predicting distribution-valued fields with applications to inversion under uncertainty thesis.

Gautschi, Curtis (2023) A socio-cognitive approach to evaluating general language proficiency speaking test assessment criteria: evidence from non-language specialists' reception and assessment of non-native speech thesis.

Geisser, Linda (2023) Generation and Analysis of Satellite Laser Ranging Normal Points for Geodetic Parameter Estimation thesis.

Gfeller, Lorenz (2023) Exploring the Dynamics and Distributions of Mercury and Organomercury Species in Soils: Microcosm experiments and Field Studies thesis.

Ghibellini, Romain (2023) Perceptions and Persistence: A Multifaceted Exploration of the Hypnagogic State and Unfinished Intentions thesis.

Gianolio, Stefania (2023) Decarboxylases and Dehydrogenases in Biocatalysis: Sustainable Production of Amines in Batch and Continuous Flow Systems thesis.

Gobbo Oliveira Erünlü, Nicolle (2023) Effects of sensor ear tags with twin pin fixing system on health and well-being of cattle thesis.

Gonthier, Jérémy (2023) Improving the efficiency of biological control with parasitoids for Tuta absoluta pest management thesis.

Halser, Lea (2023) Exploring the Limits of the Standard Model with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC thesis.

Harte, Noëlle Claudia (2023) The spiral shape of the cochlea. Transverse flow visualizations and emerging phenomena in idealized models thesis.

Hauser, David (2023) Human behavior in environmental decision-making thesis.

Hofstetter, Nathalie (2023) New Insights into the Political Psychology of Intergroup Relations: How Personality and Emotions Shape "Our" Attitudes towards "Them" thesis.

Hu, Huifang (2023) Activity, Selectivity and Stability of Colloidal Silver Catalysts for Electrochemical CO₂ Reduction Reaction thesis.

Huber, Martin Nicola (2023) Using networks to explore social-ecological systems. From network patterns to governance outcomes in social-ecological systems thesis.

Imfeld, Noemi (2023) A daily reconstruction of historical weather to study past climate variability and impacts thesis.

Jakob, Sascha (2023) Three Essays in Financial Economics thesis.

Jermini-Gianinazzi, Ilaria (2023) Original research: Management of acute non-specific low back pain in the emergency department - do emergency physicians follow the guidelines? Results of a cross-sectional survey thesis.

Jäggi, Noah (2023) The surfaces of the Moon and Mercury: an experimental and numerical approach to ion sputtering thesis.

Kaim, Tilman Konstantin (2023) Assessment of femoral retroversion on preoperative hip magnetic resonance imaging in patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis: Theoretical implications for hip impingement risk estimation thesis.

Kalogerakis, Ioannis (2023) A study of Bosonic and Fermionic Theories at Large Charge thesis.

Kiener, Sarah (2023) Genetic investigation of inherited skin diseases in cats and dogs thesis.

Kobel, Cyril (2023) Incorporation of LEO GNSS observations into global network solutions thesis.

Kochetkova, Tatiana (2023) Quantifying bone extracellular matrix properties for improved clinical fracture risk prediction thesis.

Kong, Ying (2023) Degradation Pathways of Zero-gap Electrolyzer Systems for Electrochemical CO₂ Reduction thesis.

Krejci, Philipp (2023) Diffusion of sorbed cations in clays: Development, improvement and application of new and existing models thesis.

Kreutter, David (2023) Towards Sustainable Synthesis: Integrating Biocatalysis and Language Models in Computer-Aided Synthesis Planning thesis.

Kriener, Laura Magdalena (2023) Deep Learning in Neuronal and Neuromorphic Systems thesis.

Krivoshchekov, Vladislav (2023) Factors facilitating and inhibiting gender diversity at the organisational and societal levels: Emotionality in diversity statements and traditional masculinities thesis.

Kyriacou, Lucas Christopher Andreas (2023) Essays in Macroeconomics thesis.

La Loggia, Océane (2023) Developmental Influences on Social Competence and Neuroplasticity: The Impact of Early Social Complexity in a Cooperatively Breeding Fish thesis.

Lakomy, Tim (2023) Early Use of Corticosteroids following CAR T-Cell Therapy Correlates with Reduced Risk of High-Grade CRS without Negative Impact on Neurotoxicity or Treatment Outcome thesis.

Le Grix de la Salle, Natacha (2023) Distribution, drivers, and impacts of compound marine heatwave and low net primary productivity extreme events in the ocean thesis.

Lepeu, Gregory (2023) Dynamics of Cortical Stability and Seizure Resilience In Vivo thesis.

Liu, Heng (2023) Frame Fields for Hexahedral Mesh Generation thesis.

Liu, Zuyao (2023) Exploring the Evolutionary Significance of Chromosomal Fusions and Inversions: Implications for Adaptive Evolution and Sex Chromosome Evolution thesis.

Mayer, Marius Thomas (2023) Sustainable management of organic matter in a Swiss arable soil - carbon sequestration dynamics under various farming systems thesis.

Milinčević, Nikolina (2023) Regular variation on Polish spaces, continuous maps and compound maxima thesis.

Moser, Rafael (2023) Emergent descriptions at large charge: A foray into the structure of conformal field theories and beyond thesis.

Moye, Amir Josef (2023) Cultural Ripples and Brain Waves: Investigations into Mindfulness, Analytical Meditation, and Culture-Sensitive Research thesis.

Musso Piantelli, Ferdinando (2023) 4D reconstruction of the Aar Massif: An evolutionary history from a passive margin to the Central Swiss Alpine valleys thesis.

Müller, Roman (2023) Detector Development and Analysis Techniques for Finding Leptoquarks with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC thesis.

Notarfrancesco, Marco (2023) Perioperative complications and oncological outcomes of post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in patients with germ cell cancer at two high-volume university centres in Switzerland – a retrospective chart review thesis.

Ohrndorf, Manuel (2023) A History-based Approach for Model Repair Recommendations in Software Engineering thesis.

Oliveira Rodrigues, Diego (2023) Mobility-aware Software-Defined Service-Centric Networking for Service Provisioning in Urban Environments thesis.

Personne, Hippolyte (2023) Design, synthesis and structural determination of antimicrobial peptides and peptidomimetics thesis.

Petrucci, Mariafrancesca (2023) Usefulness and Reliability of the Bispectral Index during Balanced Anesthesia for Neurovascular Surgery in New Zealand White Rabbits thesis.

Pichler, Jan (2023) Three Essays in Financial Economics thesis.

Procacci, Simona (2023) Towards a thermally complete study of inflationary predictions thesis.

Renggli, Luzia (2023) From Hospital-Level to Patient-Level Antibiotic Consumption Data: How Can We Improve Surveillance of Antibiotic Use in the Frame of Antibiotic Stewardship Programmes? thesis.

Rieder, Jessica Marie (2023) The application of environmental DNA (eDNA) methods for the monitoring and detection of aquatic microorganisms in aquaculture thesis.

Rockstroh, Franziska (2023) The Course of Self-Injury in Help-Seeking Adolescents: Treatment, Trajectory, and Prediction of a Transdiagnostic Phenomenon thesis.

Roder, Thomas (2023) Decoding Microbial Genomes: Novel User-Friendly Tools Applied to Fermented Foods thesis.

Rohani, Atefeh (2023) Deontic Obligations in Justification Logic thesis.

Rohrbach, David (2023) Enabling Technology and Proof-of-Principle Experiments for Strong Field Terahertz Spectroscopy thesis.

Romanò, Alicia (2023) Analysis of bovine intramammary bacteriome, resistome and of the bacterial transmission within dairy herds thesis.

Rubin, Aurélie Amandine (2023) Impacts of water temperature and other environmental parameters on proliferative kidney disease in wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations thesis.

Rösch, Yannick Pascal (2023) Efficiency of intracoronary drug infusion into myocardial microcirculation with microvascular obstruction: in vitro study with a multiscale flow model thesis.

Rüegg, Marlies-Aryani (2023) Indonesian Kriya Today: Yogyakarta Batik and Ceramics – Reflecting and Negotiating Cultural Identities thesis.

Sage, Sophie Elena (2023) Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage transcriptome profiles of asthmatic horses by single-cell mRNA sequencing thesis.

Sandoval Ortega, Raquel Adaia (2023) The Neural Correlates of Pain and Sleep in Health and Disease thesis.

Sarraf, Fateme (2023) Fabrication of dense polymer derived mullite ceramics by fused deposition modeling (FDM) method thesis.

Sauvageat, Eric (2023) Harmonized microwave radiometer observations of middle-atmospheric ozone over Switzerland thesis.

Schlegel, Nicolas (2023) Investigations into the Product-oriented Glucose Electrooxidation: From Gold Towards High-entropy Alloy Catalysts thesis.

Schär, Selina (2023) Child Maltreatment, the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis, and Psychopathology thesis.

Schärer, Jakob (2023) A Distributed Audit Trail for the Internet of Things thesis.

Spadaccia, Stefano (2023) Experimental studies of the properties of dust, ice, and their associations with relevance for planet formation and characterization of planetary surfaces thesis.

Spycher, Sarah (2023) Political Economy Factors in International Environmental Cooperation thesis.

Svensk, Mia (2023) Targeted grazing of robust livestock for the restoration of green alder-encroached pastures thesis.

Tang, Qindong (2023) Unravelling Cryptic Radiation and High-Altitude Adaptation in a Migratory Bird Species Complex thesis.

Temoltzin Loranca, Yunuén (2023) Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation, fire and climate dynamics in the Lake Victoria area thesis.

Tomberge, Vica Marie Jelena (2023) Women’s health behavior in unequal gender power relations: The example of carrying heavy loads in Nepal thesis.

Travelletti, Cédric (2023) Efficient Gaussian process updating under linear operator data for uncertainty reduction on implicit sets in Bayesian inverse problems thesis.

Wacker, Sophie (2023) Towards a Comprehensive Framework of Monitoring in Young Children: Shedding Light on the Processes Underlying Monitoring thesis.

Wang, Xuejing (2023) On the balance of drift and selection: the evolution of the Orkney vole thesis.

Wechsler, Tobias (2023) Climate Change Impact Framework For Assessing Swiss Alpine Water Resources Using Transient Streamflow Scenarios thesis.

Wetzel, Mathis (2023) La maitrise des connecteurs discursifs en langue seconde. Évaluation expérimentale des facteurs linguistiques et cognitifs thesis.

Wieland, Fluri Anton Martin (2023) Unravelling the Brain at Resting State: What Differentiates Physical Activity Levels in People’s Default Mode Network? thesis.

Wirth, Samuel (2023) Social Innovations in Tourism: Their Potential for Swiss Mountain Regions thesis.

Wöhner, Fabienne Anastasia (2023) Empirische Untersuchungen zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen aus den Bereichen öffentliche Gesundheit, Klimawandel und Verkehr thesis.

Zanolini, Luca (2023) Asymmetric Trust in Distributed Systems thesis.

Zingg, Irene (2023) Schulen und mehrsprachige Lebenswelten. Erfahrungen im Umgang mit (il)legitimen Sprachen thesis.

de León Williams, Ernesto (2023) News When it Matters: Its Sharing, Online Formats, and Attitudinal Consequences During Elections and Crises thesis.

van Zadelhoff, Feiko Bernard (2023) Quantification of vegetation effects on shallow landslide probability at regional scales thesis.

von Hirschheydt, Gesa (2023) Occupancy vs. detection: Estimating changes in epiphytic lichen communities over 20 years thesis.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 03:25:05 2025 CET.